Low waste grocery haul

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done a grocery haul so here it goes! Lettuce Cucumber Limes Leeks Cilantro Brussel sprouts Brocolli Bell pepper Avacado Onion Garlic Celery root Carrots Bananas Oranges Kiwis Apples Lemons Ginger Sweet potato Spirulina powder Tomatoes Salsa Almond milk Chao vegan cheese Tomato sauce Tomatoe paste Meals I [...]

Zerowaste grocery haul/meal plan for this week

Happy Monday everyone! I'm trying to start this week on a positive note and be appreciative for everything I've been able to do over this weekend! I've been busy trying to turn my front yard into a xiriscape and I've finally been making progress. Being able to finally see results is SO rewarding. Also shout [...]

Low waste grocery haul for two people, 37$

Hey everyone! I hope everyone has been enjoying this sunny weather the Pacific northwest has been offering! I know I have! Being able to do things outside, planting my vegatables, read a book, weeding the yard. They sound so simple but doing them in warm sunny weather makes them so much more enjoyable. With warmer [...]